Cara Beth

Cara Beth Brackins (she/her)

Cara Beth is a founding member of Friends-Montessori School.  She holds her BA in Fine Arts with a focus in Photography, her M.Ed. in Montessori Education from Lander University, and her Montessori certification from the American Montessori Society for ages 9-12.  She was awarded "Montessorian of the Year" from Lander University in 2016. She has been teaching in Montessori schools since 2014.  

Cara Beth fell in love with Montessori as Canaan was getting his Master's degree and visiting the classroom to sub. She started her training at the Primary level because she loves little ones, but after one day in the Upper Elementary classroom, there was no turning back. She loves the bridge between childhood and adolescence, how the kids are simultaneously snuggly and trying out sarcasm. She adores the deep and unstoppable questioning of 9-12-year-olds and how they are trying to find their place in the world. Cara Beth deeply believes that children are the future and that if there is ever to be peace, it will be because of the voices of children.

She serves as our school's EL2 classroom guide & administrator.  Besides running a school, Cara Beth is an avid podcast listener and consumer of all the music; she loves playing with her daughter and pups in the yard and is currently fostering a love of woodworking.